No mountain is too big,
No storm is too thick
And no treasure is hard to dig,
As courage is the key,
To drive away your fear,
Your biggest enemy

When you feel you have broken down,
And have no strength to be found,
Just have faith in you,
And soon that ray light,
Will give you all the courage needed to fight.

No mountain is too big,
No storm is too thick
And no treasure is hard to dig,
As courage is the key,
To drive away your fear,
Your biggest enemy

Problem being a problem
Would make you feel low,
Such that it will try to bury you in your hole
But don't you give up,
Success is on its way,
If you fight with

No mountain is too big,
No storm is too thick
And no treasure is hard to dig,
As courage is the key,
To drive away your fear,
Your biggest enemy